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Totem Coffee brings the true spirit of coffee to people who value life’s little moments…

Because nothing beats the sheer bliss found in the perfect cup of quality coffee!

Our hand-roasted, shade-grown coffee beans can be traced right back to the soil they were grown in, so you can feel part of the story without leaving the comfort of your morning routine.




The symbiotic relationship between trees and coffee shrubs allows for new trees to be planted amongst the coffee. This process of intentional agroforestry and coffee horticulture improves the biodiversity of trees. In return, the shade received by the coffee shrubs yields a healthier coffee crop, with fewer pesticides used.

Shade grown

Refresh your senses with shade-grown coffee that smells delicious and tastes superb!

Our hand-roasted coffee is sourced from sustainable farms where beautiful coffee shrubs spring to life beneath the canopies of splendid native trees.

Environmentally ConScious

Agroforestry is not only excellent for the environment but also produces a distinctive taste with complex flavours that create a delectable cup of coffee for every occasion.

Soft, smooth coffee flavours melt in your mouth.


About →

Coffee is about making meaningful connections, resetting the mind, awakening the body, and bringing playfulness into your day.


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